Our partners

  • lisciano niccone

    Comune di Lisciano Niccone

    Lisciano Niccone is located at 314 m a.s.l., is about 42 km away from Perugia and 18 Km from Umbertide. The village has a surface of 35,52 km2 and has 694 inhabitants.

  • tripadvisor


    TripAdvisor® is the biggest website dedicated to traveling in the world and helps travelers to plan perfect trips. Write a review on Marilena la Casella.

  • gustour conad

    Gustour CONAD

    Carta Insieme Conad holders are entitled to get 10% off the price while staying at our Country House.

  • cultura cinofila

    Cultura cinofila

    The most updated Portal onto the World of Dogs. Description of races and articles about how to care for dogs. Because we are animal friendly.

  • fotovoltaico

    Vignali Marcello

    Civil and industrial electrical systems, assemblage and wiring of control panels, electric repairs and photovoltaic systems.